Sunday, December 20, 2009


Systems for Success

Going through some old materials while cleaning out my library, I found Prospecting Systems for Success, a book published in 1981. Gordon Hawkins was an insurance agent who understood the necessity of continuing to talk to new prospects, no matter how successful you have become. My mentors who are truly successful tend to focus their training on just that principle. Keep talking to people.

In his little book, Hawkins proposed that success is more likely if you have a system to follow. As he says, "Prospecting has to be as automatic as breathing." Wow, there's a concept. Instead of looking at talking to people, or following up the way we anticipate going to the dentist to get a tooth pulled, how different would it be if we likened it to taking a deep breath? Breathing revitalizes our bodies, and clears our minds. Prospecting can serve the same purpose for our business.

Although many successful distributors will tell you they just apply the three foot rule to find prospects: if someone gets within three feet of you, they are fair game. Or how about the mirror test: if you can see they are breathing, go for it. That may work, but if you are going to spend the energy to tell someone about your business and products, wouldn't it make sense to see if they qualify? I have modified what Hawkins proposes as the absolute basics to know who is qualified:
  1. Is the person willing and able to HEAR what you have to say?
  2. Does the person have the MONEY to become your business partner, or buy your products?
  3. Does the person NEED what you can provide with your business or products?
  4. Is this someone you want to work with?
A few days ago, I followed up with someone I had met at a networking event. We met to share information in a congenial environment, but I knew in a matter of minutes this was not a good fit for my business. The prospect is a financial planner who immediately launched into how qualified they were, and in what investment instruments they liked to position clients. Fifteen minutes later, they came up for air. Although they qualified financially for my business and products, and they could certainly use our products, it turns out they they did not qualify as a good prospect. They were not willing to HEAR what I had to say. So I spoke politely about what I do, and thanked them for their time, and moved on. My follow up will simply be a thank-you note for meeting with me, but no need to go further.

The trick is to listen to our prospects: when someone says they can't afford it, believe them. Just because you know it would be good for them to join you in the business, doesn't mean they are willing to make the sacrifices necessary for it to happen. If you get a gut feeling this person can't hear you, or the objections they are raising speak to a lack of understanding about the value of your products, or this is someone you just don't want to work with, MOVE ON. If we don't waste time on folks who don't qualify, we can find the ones who will that much faster.

In my next post, we will talk about what Hawkins says is your Natural Market.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Think and Grow Rich

Ever since I started in Network Marketing, I have heard "Leaders are Readers."

Even though every company will tell you that there is a system, and if you just "work the system" all will be well, it isn't long before you realize you MUST learn more about your new profession. Yes, I said profession. Once we decide to start introducing people to Xango, or Monavie, or Arbonne, or Nuskin, or Mary Kay products, we are embarking on a new profession.

My training and profession for 30 years was in Medicine. And I got to the point, where I just couldn't fight the insurance companies, and the medical groups anymore. I had always built my practice on advocacy for patients, and it was getting more and more difficult for me to do my job. Every time I went to the clinic, I had to advocate for something a patient needed, and I was discouraged. I needed a change, a new direction and passion, and a different way to help people.

Fortuitusly, I was introduced to Network Marketing at a time when I was open to change, and to a nutritional company that seemed a good fit with my medical backgroud. I charged ahead. I got every bit of coaching I could, and I started reading, and studying. One of the classics that I came across early on is Think and Grow Rich. It was published for the first time in 1937. It is one that is mandatory reading for anyone who wants to be successful in our profession.

Napoleon Hill lays it out there, and states very clearly in Chapter 2, if you want to be successful there are a few principles that are essential:

  1. Decide exactly how much money you want to earn
  2. Decide what you will give up to achieve your goal
  3. Establish a date when you will have the money
  4. Plan for getting to your goal, and begin at once
  5. Write out a clear consise statment of 1-4
  6. Read your statement aloud morning and evening. See, feel and believe you have achieved your goal.

Recent books like The Secret are building on these same ideas in an updated form. It all comes back to this: know exactly what you want, know what you will give up to get it, write it down, take action, and see, feel and believe you have already achieved your goal.

Does this strike a chord with you? What is your impression of Think and Grow Rich?


Thursday, June 18, 2009


Thanks to Chris Kokalis of CKME Group Inc. for the following featured tips. Chris is someone I greatly respect, and from whom I have been learning how to more effectively use social media to promote my business:

CKME Marketing Tips: Presenting Yourself as a Professional

Chris has parterned with Brenda Bernstein, to review twenty LinkedIn profiles in the past month, and found that more than half of all recommendations on LinkedIn contain errors. Since writing recommendations are an important feature to enhance relationships with those in your LinkedIn network, these tips from Brenda Bernstein will help in writing more professionally:
  1. "Don’t write your professional writing like you’re in a chat room. I know, it takes so much longer to write "tonight" instead of "2nite," but the latter is just too informal. Use real English! ‘Nuf said (hey, rules are made to be broken!)
  2. Use proper grammar and sentence structure. Use discretion when starting sentences with “but” or “and.” Avoid run-on sentences and sentence fragments. One tip is to read your writing aloud to make sure it makes sense!
  3. Don’t write as you would speak, unless you are writing a very chatty blog. So, like, you know, I totally do not even do that OMG! When you're in the world of formal writing, leave out words and phrases that are not essential to getting your point across. Avoid using well, like, for sure, you know, and any other phrase that takes you back to your high school years.
  4. Proofread! Use a spelling and grammar checker at the very least, and come back to your work a day after you write it to give yourself a fresh perspective. With our social media profiles, it is especially easy to get ourselves in trouble with our written words because there is no spell checker. Do not use that as an excuse! Copy and paste your profile into Word or another program with a spell-checker before you publish it to the web.
  5. To facilitate tip number 4, do not wait until the last minute to write your copy! Hastily written material is more likely to contain errors and to reflect less favorably on the writer. Give yourself the time and space to write an impressive and professional product.

One of the services Brenda Bernstein offers through is reviewing LinkedIn profiles to check not just for writing errors, but for the organization, strength and style of the profile. If you would like her to review your social media profile or take a look at your blog post, feel free to email her at "

Chris KokalisPresident/CEOCKME Group Inc.

414-755-2410 Milwaukee Office

310-492-5058 Los Angeles Office

Thursday, June 11, 2009


What is YOUR Score on Follow Up?

Has this ever happened to you?

  1. You buy a new direct sales skin care product and the distributor never calls to find out how you like the product?

  2. You decide to buy that insurance you know you need, and you never hear from your agent again?

  3. You call someone you met at a Chamber event, leave them a message that you are interested in their service or product, and they don't call you back?

As I am out networking with people all the time, I meet lots of folks in direct sales. I want to use their products or services whenever I can, so I can also tell others about them. I cannot tell you the number of times, no one has called me back after I have made a purchase.

Just recently I bought some face wash and day cream from a long-time distributor of a well known company. I have never gotten a call or card from her either thanking me for being a customer, or to ask if I have any questions, or to see if I need more product. So now I am shopping for another representative of her company to buy products from.

Or how about my insurance agent, who, because she had a baby and left the company, handed me off to another agent. The latter sent me a letter several months ago to say she would be calling, and then I get a call a couple of days ago to see if she can SELL me more insurance! Ugh.

So how can we turn this around so WE remember to treat our customers, clients, and contacts better perhaps than we have been treated?

  1. Send people a note or card after you meet them, if you want to get to know them better. Folks who go to networking events meet tons of people, and YOU want to stand out from the crowd, so you need to do what others don't.

  2. When you make a sale, call the person a few days after they have started using your product to see if they have any questions or concerns. You stand a much better chance of making sure the person continues to buy from you, or continues their autoship.

  3. Always carry business cards, and forms or a notebook with you, so when you meet someone that has been looking for a distributor from your company, you can take care of their needs on the spot!


Treat people the way you want to be treated. Let them know you care by following up with them. Do what others fail to do, and your business will thrive. Give someone an awesome day!


Monday, May 18, 2009

Startup Professionals Musings: Startup Opportunity: Web 3.0

Thought this was an interesting take on the evolution we are experiencing in online communication.

Startup Professionals Musings: Startup Opportunity: Web 3.0


I found this fascinating quote today:

You know that old saying, there’s no such thing as bad press? Well you don’t have to resort to bad press to get some media exposure. Here are a few great ways to gain media exposure for your business and keep everyone happy.

#1 Support a local cause. Ideally, you’ll choose a cause that relates to your business. For example if you have a business selling pet products then supporting the local humane society and sponsoring their events will gain tremendous local media exposure for you and your business.

#2 Publish. Content, whether it is a book, a case study, a special report or any kind of how to guide or course, is a great way to gain exposure for your business. You can publish press releases online and for your local media to promote the content.

#3 Interview or be interviewed. Interviewing an expert, or being interviewed, is a great way to garner more attention for your business and your expert knowledge. If you’re interviewing an expert in your industry, issue a press release and send out announcements so people know how to access the interview.

#4 Host an event. Workshops, seminars, and other events generate interest. Issue a press release announcing the event and issue a press release once it’s completed. Let reader’s know what they have to gain from attending and give journalists the vital statistics like how many attended and the topic of the seminar or purpose for the event.

Internet Business Blog Online Business Blog, May 2009

You should read the whole article.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Extend Your Reach for Free
In tough economic times, it would be great to have more people know about you and your business without spending an arm and a leg. I'm all for that, having spent a small fortune in the past, and not really seeing much return on investment. I'm always on the lookout for ways to get the word out about my business. Here are a few ideas that may help you.
Check in your area to see if there are free magazines that feature articles written by local business people. If you are in a Chamber, they usually feature short articles about their members. Contact the editor and see what they are looking for, and then put together a short article that will educate the reader.
If you are marketing a health product, how about writing a short article on the merit of eating healthy food, or ways people can add fruits and veggies to their diet? Your primary company probably has provided you with lots of reference material you can draw on to write your article. If your product is an air purifier, what about informing people about the value of cleaner air in their home? If you are working with a travel company, can you give people tips on ways to get travel bargains? You are producing your own infomercial, or advertorial. It should educate, and then end with a very short blurb about you and your credentials.
Before you create this article or other advertising materials, educate yourself. Read all you can, especially from the publication you want to write for, looking at the style and content of articles they include. Keep an open mind for promotion ideas. Look also at ezines and fliers sent to you. If you feature people and events in your area on your webpage or blog, be sure to let them know. They may be inclined to reciprocate.
Use testimonials from your customers. Ask permission to publish them on your webpage, or in your blog. When people are happy about your service and products, let them advertise them for you.
Make sure you keep track of all the ways you are getting the word out about you and your products or services. When you know what is getting results, you can make sure you repeat that effort. And when you have something published, be sure you keep clippings and put them in a book to show potential customers.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Joint Marketing

Innovative Way to Market Your Business
Have you thought about the idea of Add Swapping? I just heard about this recently and thought it was a great idea to pass on.

In short, you are networking with someone who you feel brings value to the market place. You know the kind of person I mean: they aren't just trying to sell you something, but are trying to help you increase your business, and even give you referrals from time to time (what a great idea!).

One way you can help them reach more possible clients or customers is to agree to put an ad for them on your website, or include information they have produced in your blog, or links in your blog or website to their site, or something they have written, or an event they are sponsoring.

Of course, you would like to do this with reciprocation, but I say, just do it. Call in your markers later. After all, what have you got to lose, and you can make our business environment better by focusing on what you can do for them, rather than what you are going to get.

So for my first inclusion here in my blog. take a look at Jodie King, a former law enforcement officer who offers Women's Self Defense and Personal Training. Take a look at her website: Her mission is to educate and empower as many women and children as possible, because we all deserve to be physically and emotionly safe.

Monday, April 27, 2009


When you go to your upline sponsor's meetings, or listen to company calls, do you ever wonder if you are made for Leadership. I am always looking for information that will take me to the next level, and realized that Leaders are made not born. Becoming a Leader involves a process of inner growth, and practising five skills will take you closer:
  1. Define Your Vision: Use a vision board to help you do this ( Having a Vision of what is possible sets you apart from those who don't. In MLM we hear a lot about duplication. We are told, don't reinvent the wheel. When you tell your story about how you are doing what your upline says is working, you are being a Leader. When you live with a clear idea of what can be, your team will believe it can happen for them as well.
  2. Share Your Vision: The CEO and founder of my primary company shares how he came to start the company, and his vision of acting on inner promptings to bring a positive message to those we cherish. My Vision is to pay-it-forward by expressing gratitude every day to everyone I can, and help others do the same. What is your Vision? Are you building a team to help others achieve their dreams? Don't you work harder when the welfare of those you care about is at stake?
  3. Know Your Leadership Style: You want to share with your team the methods that are working for you. If they come to you with frustration or burn out, are you ready to remind them of their Vision? Do you let your team know how much you appreciate their efforts? Do you continue to let them know you are there for them, even when their numbers don't yet reflect their hard work?
  4. Earn and Maintain Your Team's Trust: Don't promise what you can't deliver. A real Leader returns phone calls, shows up to help his team at meetings or events that he has promised to attend. Teach your team to do what you do, so they can help the team they develop in turn. Always let them know how much you appreciate them. They won't forget it.
  5. Turn Your Team Into Leaders: Help any new distributors to take on challenges you know they are ready for. When you acknowledge them, it inspires them to keep going. MLM style business requires a lot of consistent effort at the beginning in order to build a team that generates long term income. We are not paid for what we do, but for what we start.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Feel the Fear

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
by Susan Jeffers, PhD, 1987
Just finished reviewing this book again, and the concepts she describes never go out of date. Jeffers initial premise is that lack of TRUST in MYSELF stops me from getting what I want. Knowing that is empowering, because then I can choose to KNOW that whatever happens, I can handle it! This allows me to take risks to move my life forward in powerful and unexpected ways.
Much of the trick of moving from PAIN to POWER is taking ACTION. When I challenge myself to move beyond my comfort zone and call the person who intimidates me, or I ask for something I've been afraid to ask for, I am on my way. Jeffers urges us to take a risk every day, something that will expand our comfort zone, even to the extent that we visualize ourselves doing it as we plan for it. Each risk we take builds self-worth and expands our comfort zone.
As we move across the continuum into a more powerful place, as we refuse to let life victimize us, we must also take RESPONSIBILITY for our reactions to what happens to us. Blame must leave our consciousness, blame of others and ourselves. We must be aware that we always have CHOICES in every situation, and none of them are right or wrong. From every choice we can learn despite the outcome.
The author urges us to live always from a position of ABUNDANCE. One way to do that is to focus on giving to others as much as we can. For example, we need to keep a journal of all we have to be grateful for. Acknowledge the people in our lives by calling them to tell them we are thinking of them. Over and over again, she urges us to write to the people in our lives to let them know how much they have contributed to us ( We will find our resentments and frustrations diminish, and our GRATITUDE increase as we give others the praise and acknowledgement all of us crave.
The bottom line is that we can say YES to the universe, and give from a place of love, rather than of expectation. More will come back to us than we can ever imagine.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Say It With Words

Thank you to my friend Naomi Finkel of Say It With Words, (818) 991-1587,, for her latest newsletter. Since it fit so nicely with some of the things I am addressing, I thought to share it here:

Your Most Cost-Effective Marketing Strategy

A few days ago, a neighbor asked me for the name of a plumber I have been using for years. A week ago, I asked a friend for the name of gardener. Last month, I was the guest speaker at The Oaks at Ojai, a health and fitness spa. During meals and at break times, I asked the guests at the spa how they knew about this place. Six out of ten people said they heard about it from friends or relatives who had been here.

If you provide outstanding service, people will talk about you and refer you to others who will also benefit from the services and/or products you offer. I know... 70% of my business comes from referrals!

So, how do you cultivate a Referral Program as a productive marketing strategy? Here are some tips...

  1. Whenever a new person calls or contacts your office, ask how they heard about you. Send a thank you note or an e-mail to the person who made the referral even if the new contact does not become a client.
  2. After about a week, call the person who asked you for the referral and ask if they ever followed through. If they did and you have not received an acknowledgement of your referral, find out why. This is called "common courtesy." Tell them in the future if they receive a referral from you, you want to know if your referral called.
  3. If the referral becomes a client/customer, then I send an appropriate gift to the person who made the referral. Some companies offer a referral fee. Whatever, make certain you show your appreciation for the new business. This is a wonderful way to build a loyalty program.
  4. If it is appropriate, you in turn could make referrals to your clients, vendors, associates and organizations.
  5. You may want to promote a referral program. On your website or your promotional materials, describe your referral program and what you offer as a Thank You. I would not give a discount on your services since many of the people who refer to you may not need your services. Do you really think I would appreciate a 25% discount on my next nursery school enrollment for my (adult) kids?
  6. A wonderful idea... in your newsletter or on your website, thank the people who have made referrals to your company. We love to see our names in print, especially when it is a positive gesture....

Thank you to Naomi for her great ideas, and for her book, How to Get Big Business Exposure on a Small Business Budget, available at

Cost Effective Marketing for Your MLM Business

Those of us with an MLM business must be mindful of how we use our time and resources. In order to assess what is cost effective, let's look at different ways we can market our business.

  • Letters and Cards
  • Personal Meetings
  • Personal Websites
  • Company Websites
  • Company Business Meetings
  • Company Sizzle Lines
  • Webinars
  • Using the Phone
  • Email
  • Social Networking
  • Testimonials from Customers
  • Home Presentations

I once heard a professional marketer say that we should surround our customer with information the way Custer was attacked at the Battle of the Little Big Horn, from all directions. In other words, we need to use all acceptable forms of marketing to keep in touch with our potential customers or future distributors. It may take at least 7 to 12 "touches" for someone to decide they are interested in our product or business, so to be effective, we must have multiple ways to keep ourselves in front of our customers.

In 1980 it cost $6 to send a business letter transcribed, typed and mailed by a secretary. Now you can use an online personalized card system It will keep track of your contacts, track what you have written to them, and print a high quality card, and stuff the envelope, stamp and mail it for less than a dollar, including postage. What a great and cost effective way to confirm appointments, thank contacts for meetings, thank customers and distributors for their business, and quickly and effectively remember customers, prospects, friends and families at holidays and birthdays.

We will go through the list in subsequent blogs to help you make more effective use of your time and money to market your MLM business.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Getting Started With Relationship Marketing

Although I am not new to relationships, I am new to this type of marketing. Oh, sure I can tweet with the best of them, but is it working for me. I have just started a new program to get the word out to other network marketers about tools that are available to make our job easier. A lot of people are looking for good companies to work with, and they need tools to make it easier to generate an income. More on this with later posts. As I learn, I will pass it on.