Thursday, June 11, 2009


What is YOUR Score on Follow Up?

Has this ever happened to you?

  1. You buy a new direct sales skin care product and the distributor never calls to find out how you like the product?

  2. You decide to buy that insurance you know you need, and you never hear from your agent again?

  3. You call someone you met at a Chamber event, leave them a message that you are interested in their service or product, and they don't call you back?

As I am out networking with people all the time, I meet lots of folks in direct sales. I want to use their products or services whenever I can, so I can also tell others about them. I cannot tell you the number of times, no one has called me back after I have made a purchase.

Just recently I bought some face wash and day cream from a long-time distributor of a well known company. I have never gotten a call or card from her either thanking me for being a customer, or to ask if I have any questions, or to see if I need more product. So now I am shopping for another representative of her company to buy products from.

Or how about my insurance agent, who, because she had a baby and left the company, handed me off to another agent. The latter sent me a letter several months ago to say she would be calling, and then I get a call a couple of days ago to see if she can SELL me more insurance! Ugh.

So how can we turn this around so WE remember to treat our customers, clients, and contacts better perhaps than we have been treated?

  1. Send people a note or card after you meet them, if you want to get to know them better. Folks who go to networking events meet tons of people, and YOU want to stand out from the crowd, so you need to do what others don't.

  2. When you make a sale, call the person a few days after they have started using your product to see if they have any questions or concerns. You stand a much better chance of making sure the person continues to buy from you, or continues their autoship.

  3. Always carry business cards, and forms or a notebook with you, so when you meet someone that has been looking for a distributor from your company, you can take care of their needs on the spot!


Treat people the way you want to be treated. Let them know you care by following up with them. Do what others fail to do, and your business will thrive. Give someone an awesome day!


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