CKME Marketing Tips: Presenting Yourself as a Professional
Chris has parterned with Brenda Bernstein, to review twenty LinkedIn profiles in the past month, and found that more than half of all recommendations on LinkedIn contain errors. Since writing recommendations are an important feature to enhance relationships with those in your LinkedIn network, these tips from Brenda Bernstein will help in writing more professionally:
- "Don’t write your professional writing like you’re in a chat room. I know, it takes so much longer to write "tonight" instead of "2nite," but the latter is just too informal. Use real English! ‘Nuf said (hey, rules are made to be broken!)
- Use proper grammar and sentence structure. Use discretion when starting sentences with “but” or “and.” Avoid run-on sentences and sentence fragments. One tip is to read your writing aloud to make sure it makes sense!
- Don’t write as you would speak, unless you are writing a very chatty blog. So, like, you know, I totally do not even do that OMG! When you're in the world of formal writing, leave out words and phrases that are not essential to getting your point across. Avoid using well, like, for sure, you know, and any other phrase that takes you back to your high school years.
- Proofread! Use a spelling and grammar checker at the very least, and come back to your work a day after you write it to give yourself a fresh perspective. With our social media profiles, it is especially easy to get ourselves in trouble with our written words because there is no spell checker. Do not use that as an excuse! Copy and paste your profile into Word or another program with a spell-checker before you publish it to the web.
- To facilitate tip number 4, do not wait until the last minute to write your copy! Hastily written material is more likely to contain errors and to reflect less favorably on the writer. Give yourself the time and space to write an impressive and professional product.
One of the services Brenda Bernstein offers through is reviewing LinkedIn profiles to check not just for writing errors, but for the organization, strength and style of the profile. If you would like her to review your social media profile or take a look at your blog post, feel free to email her at "
Chris KokalisPresident/CEOCKME Group Inc.
414-755-2410 Milwaukee Office
310-492-5058 Los Angeles Office
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